weartexhibitions | Ximo Abadía
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Ximo Abadía

Ximo Abadía (Alicante 1983), studied Comic and Illustration in Madrid. Currently he lives in Benidorm, where he works as an illustrator. He has published more than 15 picture books in different countries.


In 2011 he was selected for the breakout author prize at the Salon del Comic at Barcelona.


In 2012, he was shortlisted for the International FNAC-Sin Sentido award wit La Puerta Amarilla (The Yellow Door) and also at INJUVE in the graphic novel category.


In 2017 his illustrations were selected for the Illustrators Mostra at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair and in the Ibero-American Illustration Catalogue.


He has won two White Ravens awards from the Internationale Jugendbibliothek (International Youth Library) with Cuando las vacas flotan (When cows float) and No puedo dormir (I can’t sleep).


In 2018 he was awarded the Premi Libreter recognition by Barcelona’s booksellers, as well as winning the Best Picture Book Prize at the Comic Con Madrid with FRANK.